Neat Features

Even though this web site is a school project, it's turning out to be great fun. Maybe I'll keep adding to it from time to time.



In that case, let's add a timestamp. It will automatically inform viewers when you last made changes.

Adding a timestamp
A timestamp tells your visitors when you last updated your web page. This option is especially valuable if you are presenting current events and activities - showing your visitors just how fabulously up-to-date your web site really is. For example, you may want to use a timestamp if you are publishing daily or weekly updates on activities at your school.

The best place for a timestamp is the opening page of your web site. This way, your visitors will see it right away.

To add a timestamp:

    1. Click Insert on the Menu bar and select Timestamp. The Timestamp Properties dialog box will appear.

Select Timestamp from the Insert menu

    2. Select the Date This Page Was Last Edited radio button.

    Click this radio button

    3. Choose how you want the date to be displayed by selecting a format from the Date Format drop-down box.

    Choosing a date format

    4. Choose how you want the time to be displayed by selecting a format from the Time Format drop-down box. If you do not want to display the update time select None.

    Choosing a time format

    5. Click OK on the Timestamp Properties dialog box.


I think a lot of people are going to be hitting our web site.

Ouch! Why do people want to hit our web site? Did it break some primitive 1990's social custom?


No, Pixel. A "hit" is a web-term used to decribe a visit to our web page. Hits are good, so we want lots of them. If we use a "hit counter", we can keep track of how many people come to our site.

Adding a hit counter
Each time someone visits one of your web pages, this is known as a "hit". You can keep track of how many visitors you have by including a "hit counter" on your web page. A hit counter is visible to your visitors, so it is a good option to use when you want to show off the popularity of your web site.

To add a hit counter:

    1. Click Insert on the Menu bar.

    2. Select Active Elements and then click Hit Counter. The Hit Counter Properties dialog box will appear.

Select Hit Counter from the Insert menu

    3. To choose how your counter will look, select one of the Counter Style radio buttons.

    Look at all the pretty counter styles!

    4. You can specify a start number for your counter. For example, if you want the hit counter to start from the number 10, select the Reset Counter To check box and type 10 into the box.

    Starting a hit counter

    5. You can also specify how many digits you want displayed. For example, if you think only a few hundred people will hit your site, you may want to limit your counter to three digits. If so, simply select the Fixed Number of Digits check box and type 3 into the box.

    6. Click OK on the Hit Counter Properties dialog box.

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