"Come in and take a seat. We heard you're interested in submitting artwork to the Gallery. Here are a few simple guidelines and steps you'll need."

File size: less than 60K (anything larger takes too long to download!)
Image size: maximum height and width 280 x 560 pixels
Format: .GIF or .JPG
Originality: ONLY submit work created by you. Taking credit for someone else's work just isn't cool.
Appropriate material: GraphicsDEN is a family site. We will remove any image or description that offends DEN members or staff.

How to submit artwork 

FTP your image file to GraphicsDEN:

Location: ftp.actden.com
User name: submit
Password: artwork

If you do not know how to FTP (transfer files), visit InternetDEN's lesson #12 on this subject. You will find clear instructions and suggestions for FTP software.

Visit our online Submit Artwork form to write a brief description about your work.

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