Slippery Slides

Another question for ya. What if I need to change the order of my slides? For example, let's go back to that presentation on music bands. Suppose I want to change the order from alphabetical to chronological? If these were real slides, I'd lay them out on the carpet and sort them out. I bet you can't do that on a computer.

Actually, you can. It's called Slide Sorter View, and it's designed for viewing a lot of slides at once, and easily changing the order. And unlike laying your slides out on the carpet, there's no danger of your dog chewing up your slide of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Ooh, I hate when that happens!

Switching to Slide Sorter View
When you go to Slide Sorter View, you see miniatures of all the slides in the presentation, complete with text and graphics. This view is useful for rearranging slides, and for adding transitions to slides.

Slide Sorter View

There are two ways to switch to Slide Sorter View:

Click the Slide Sorter View button in the lower left corner of the PowerPoint window.

Slide Sorter View button

Or, you can click the View menu, then click Slide Sorter.

Slide View Menu

Okay, you've shown us how to view the slides in Slide Sorter View. How about the sorting part?

I was just getting to that...

Moving slides around
The Slide Sorter View is the easiest place to rearrange the order of your slides.

Let's say you have four slides in your presentation, and you decide that Slide 2 should really appear before Slide 1. Here's what you do to move the slides around:

    1. Click Slide 2 and hold down the mouse button. A small gray rectangle appears on the pointer.

Gray Rectangle

    2. Drag the pointer to the slide's new position before Slide 1. A vertical line should appear in front of Slide 1.

Switching Slides
Switching Slides

    3. Release the mouse button. Slide 2 should now be positioned before Slide 1.

Quick Quiz