PowerPoint in the Classroom

with Sue Special UNIT 6
Adding Sound

  • Sound Start
  • Taped Talk
  • Prompt Play
  • Tooting Tunes
  • New Noise
  • Vivid Videos
  • Cool for School

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Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.

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Sound Start

Okay. Let me throw you a softball question: How does sound add to a presentation?

It's exactly the same as when sound was first added to silent film. It engages a whole new sense. For example, if you have a banner flying onto the screen, it's really cool to give it a flying sound.

A flying sound? Kind of like a "whoosh"?

You've got it. Here, let me show you how to add sound effects to animation.

Note: To hear the sound effects, make sure you have a sound card installed in your computer.

Adding sound to animations
Some of the animations in PowerPoint, for example, the Flying Effect, already have sound built into them. But most of the animations do not have sound effects.

In PowerPoint you can add sound to any animation. You can also replace the current sound effect on an animation with a new one.

Try adding a sound effect to an animation.

    1. In Slide View, select the animated object you want to add the sound effect to by clicking it.

    2. Click the Slide Show menu, then click Custom Animation. The Custom Animation task pane will appear.

Custom Animation

    3. Select the animation effect. Then click the arrow and from the drop-down menu, choose Effect Options. The Effect Options dialog box will appear.

Select the Effect Options

    4. From the Effect tab, select a sound effect from the Sound drop-down menu.

Choose your sound

    5. Click OK to add the sound to the animation. The sound is added to the animated object.

    6. If you want to preview the sound effect, click the Play button on the Custom Animation task pane.

Incredible! Dare I say madcap! How about a transition? Can we add sound effects to that too?

Yeah, like the "Boop" sound from those old slides shows in school that told the teacher to go to the next slide.

Most of the people in your studio audience are probably too young to remember those days. Nevertheless, adding sound to a transition is easy and effective.

Adding sound to transitions
Spice up your transitions by adding sound effects to them. Here's how:

    1. In Slide Sorter View, click the slide with the transition you are adding sound to.

    2. Click the Slide Show menu, and then click Slide Transition. The Slide Transition task pane appear.

Slide Transition command

    3. Select a sound effect from the Sound drop-down list. The sound is added to the transition.

If you want the sound to continue playing until the next sound in your presentation, click the check box next to 'Loop until next sound'. But use this feature sparingly. Some sounds may lose their effect if they are played too long. Or, they may interfere with other elements of your presentation.

Taped Talk

Next question. Can you bring in your own sounds? Like, suppose I want to do a presentation at school of my Uncle Nestor reciting poetry, but he doesn't want to come to the school himself.

Not a problem. I'll tell you how to use your own recorded sound files in a PowerPoint presentation. Your Uncle Ned's poetry will be echoing through the school!

Maybe that isn't a good idea after all.


My uncle isn't a very good poet.

Recording your own sound files
To record sound files, you need to plug a microphone into the mic jack on your computer's sound card.

The following steps show you how to record a narration for a slide.

    1. Go to Slide View and display the slide you want to add a recording to.

    2. Click the Insert menu, point to Movies and Sounds, then click Record Sound.

Selecting Record Sound option

    3. When the Record Sound dialog box appears, type a name for your recording in the Name box.

Record Sound dialog box

Below the name box are three buttons. The first button, with the arrow, is the Play button. The middle button, with the square, is the Stop button. The last button, with a red dot, is the Record button.

Control buttons

    4. To start recording, click the Record button, then begin talking into your microphone.

    5. When you finish talking, click the Stop button.

    6. Click the Play button to play back your recording.

If you want to add another segment to your recording, simply click the Record button and start talking again. When you're finished, click the Stop button. The new segment will be added to your previous one.

What if you're not happy with the recording? What if someone flubs a line or mumbles? Can you re-record it?

That's a silly question.

Now, Sue, there are no silly questions. Here's how to rerecord sound files:

Re-recording sound files
What if you're not satisfied with the recording after you've listened to it? Maybe it's too quiet, you've spoken too quickly, or there's too much background noise. It's simple. Cancel the recording and begin again.

    1. In the Record Sound dialog box, click the Cancel button. The Record Sound dialog box closes.

Cancel button

    2. Click the Insert menu, point to Movies and Sound, then click Record Sound. The Record Sound dialog box opens again.

    3. Start recording.

    4. When you're satisfied with your recording, click OK. The Record Sound dialog box will close, and a speaker icon will appear in the middle of your slide.

Speaker Icon

Resizing the Speaker Icon tip

Prompt Play

Once you have inserted a sound file in a slide, how do you play the sound?

With just a simple click of an icon.

I wish playing playing guitar was as easy as playing a sound file. Then I could join your band, PowerPoint.

Well, we can always make room for a tamborine player. Ha ha.

Playing your sound files from the slide
You've added some snazzy sound files to your presentation, now try playing them directly from the slides.

    1. In Slide View, double-click the speaker icon. The sound file will begin to play.

If you want to stop the sound file before it finishes playing, click anywhere on the slide.

What about objects? Can you attach sounds to objects? For example, if I have a picture of my fans in a slide, I want to hear them cheering.

Don't you mean booing. Oh, I'm just teasing.

Ouch! You better watch it Sue or this might just become "The Jim Jingle Show" and you're back to waiting tables.

When you two are finished joshing I'll show you what to do.

Attaching your sound files to objects
PowerPoint lets you attach your recordings to objects on your slides. However, the objects must be animated before you can attach a sound file to them.

Let's say that you want to add your narration to a cartoon on your slide. Here's what you do:

    1. In Slide View, display the slide you want to add the sound file to.

    2. Record your narration.

    3. In Slide View, click the object that you want to add the recording to. For example, the cartoon.

    4. Click the Slide Show menu, then click Custom Animation. The Custom Animation task pane will appear.

    5. Click the Effects tab.

    6. If the object isn't animated yet, select an effect using the Add Effect button.

    Animate object list

    7. From the Custom Animation task pane, select your animation effect. Then click the arrow and choose Effect Options. The Effect Options dialog box will appear. Click the Effect tab, then click the Sound drop-down menu and choose your recorded sound.

    Choosing your sound file

    8. Click OK. The sound file is now added to the object.

Tooting Tunes

Let's say I want to add music from a CD.

Great idea. Music really jazzes up a presentation. Maybe you want to add music from my band, the Swingin' Sultans of Software?

Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of the Smashing Pumpkins. I want to do a presentation on the history of Halloween. You know, pumpkins, Halloween.

Not to mention their lead singer, Billy Corgan, he can look pretty ghoulish... Heh heh.

Adding music from CDs
If you have a CD ROM drive installed in your computer, you can add CD music tracks to your PowerPoint presentations. However, you can only add the music tracks to slides. The track will not attach to objects, animations, or transitions.

Here's how you add a CD music track to your slide.

    1. In Slide View, display the slide you want to add the music track to.

    2. Click the Insert menu, point to Movies and Sounds, and then click Play CD Audio Track. The Insert CD Audio dialog box will appear.

Choosing to Play an Audio CD

    3. Under Clip Selection, enter the music track number in the Start and End Track boxes provided. For example, to add the second track of the CD, type 2 in the Start Track box and in the End Track box. If you want to play just the first 10 seconds of the track, type 10 seconds in the End Track At box.

CD Track options

    4. Then click OK.

A CD icon appears in the middle of your slide. You can resize this icon or move it to other parts of the slide.

    5. To play the CD track, double-click the CD icon. But make sure the CD is in the drive. Otherwise, the music won't play.

CD icon

You can use the Windows Media Player to determine the start and end times of a portion of music on a CD. To open the Windows Media Player in Windows 98, go to your Windows desktop and click the Start button. Point to Programs, point to Accessories, then Entertainment, and click Windows Media Player.

Windows Media Player

If I'm giving a slide presentation, it seems really awkward to have to click on a CD icon. Is there a way to make it automatic?

What are computers for? Automatic is my middle name.

Power Automatic Point. Odd name.

It's a figure of speech. My middle name is actually Bartholomew.

Making music play automatically
By default, effects such audio files, are preset to start with a mouse click. The following steps show you how to make it play automatically and add an animation effect to your CD icon.

Note: It's not necessary to add an animation effect to make the CD music play automatically, but it certainly adds visual interest. Especially when the CD icon "makes an entrance" before it starts playing.

    1. In Slide View, click the CD icon to select it.

    2. Click the Slide Show menu, then click Custom Animation. The Custom Animation task pane will appear. The CD icon is automatically listed - labeled as Media # (Media 4, e.g.) - in the pane along with any other effects on the same slide.

    3. You can change how it starts by using the Start function listed in the Modify section of the Custom Animation task pane. Click on the arrow and choose With Previous from the drop-down list. Now the audio will play automatically.

Make audio play automatically

4. To add an effect to the audio, select it, then click on the Change button. Pick an animation effect from the drop-down list that appears. For example, Crawl In. Click OK to apply the effect. You can click Play to see how it will work. You can also change the speed and direction of the effect.

Changing how an effect looks

New Noise

Just to cover all the bases here, can you talk about some other ways to bring sound into a presentation? You know, if you can use WAV files and all that computery stuff.

Can do!

Adding sound files from other sources
You can add sound files to your presentations from a variety of sources. For example, you can add sound files you find on the Internet or special sound effects CDs. However, PowerPoint does not recognize all sound file types. WAV, MIDI and MP3 are three of the types it does recognize.

Let's say you've downloaded some WAV sound files from the Internet to your hard drive. Here's how you would add one of the sound files to your slide.

    1. Click the Insert menu, point to Movies and Sounds, then click Sound from File.

Selecting Sound option

    2. In the Look in box, specify the drive and folder where the sound file is located.

    3. In the file list, click the sound file you want, then click OK.

Selecting a WAV file

PowerPoint will add a speaker icon to your slide.

Adding Sound Files tip

Vivid Videos

Oh yes, before I forget. My kid brother is a budding video director. He wanted me to ask you if you can handle video.

Your brother asked a good question. I sure can. I have a library of video clips to choose from. You can also grab video clips from the Internet or create your own clips using a video camera and video capture board. It's a great way to enhance a presentation.

Incredible. A mini-film festival! Move over, Hollywood.

Adding a video clip
If you want to add a video clip to your presentation, you can search for one in PowerPoint's Microsoft Clip Gallery. You can choose from many clip art video files.

To add one of these video clips to your presentation, follow these steps:

    1. Click the Insert menu, point to Movies and Sounds, and then click Movie from Clip Organizer.

Selecting Movie from Clip Organizer

    2. In the Clip Art task pane, type a search term for the type of video you want to add, and click Go to get the search results.

Choosing a video

    3. Decide which video clip you want. If you click within the video clip icon, it will be automatically added to the current slide showing. To see what the clip is like before adding it, move the mouse over the icon. An arrow appears on the right of the icon. Click on the arrow and a drop-down menu appears. Select Preview/Properties. The Preview/Properties dialog box will appear. The video clip will play and you can see the details about it. Click on Close when you are done.

Select Preview/Properties

Preview/properties dialog box

You can also add video clips from other sources such as CDs or the Internet. Let's say you've found a cool video clip on the Internet that you want to add to your presentation. Here's what you do:

    1. Click the Insert menu, point to Movies and Sounds, and then click Movie from File. The Insert Movie dialog box will appear.

Selecting Movie from File

    2. In the Look in box, locate the drive and folder where you have saved the video clip.

    3. Select the video clip file from the file list, then click OK. A video screen icon is added to the slide. You are also asked how you want the video clip to play, automatically or when clicked on.

    Choose when you want video clip to play

      4. A video clip icon is added to the slide. You can resize the icon or move it to other areas of the slide.

That's fantastic! But wait, what if I made a mistake? I can change when the video clip will play, like we did with the audio clip, right?

Jim, I think you're catching on.

I can't take all the credit. You're very user-friendly.

My mom taught me to have good manners. While we're doing that, we might as well add an animation effect, so it can make a grand entrance...

Changing when a video clip plays

The following steps show you how to change when a video clip plays, and add an animation effect to the video clip icon.

    1. In Slide View, click the video screen icon to select it.

    2. Click the Slide Show menu, then click Custom Animation. The Custom Animation task pane will appear. The video clip icon is automatically listed along with any other effects on the same slide.

    3. You can change how the video clip starts by using the Start function listed in the Modify section of the Custom Animation task pane. Click on the arrow and choose On Click from the drop-down list. Now the video clip will play when the mouse is clicked. Or you can select the video clip, click on the arrow, and choose Start On Click. If you originally picked When Clicked, choose the With Previous option from the drop-down list to make the video clip play automatically.

    Change when the video clip plays

    4. To add an animation effect, select the video clip, then click on the Change button. Pick an animation effect from the drop-down list that appears. Click OK to apply the effect. You can change the speed and direction of the effect.

    5. In the Custom Animation task pane, click Play to see how the animation effect and video clip will look. Or, you can click Slide Show to run it.

Cool For School

Unit 6: Adding Sound

Dear Blabby: I love the idea of using sound in my PowerPoint presentation, although I'm just not sure how to apply it. I really want to impress my students and their parents with this extra multimedia effect - but I've never tried it before. I need your opinion. Please help!!!

    -Keener in Kansas

Dear Keener: Tell your audiences to just hold on tight and get ready for a big surprise. Let them know they will be treated to the finest in information presentation. To help you out, I will reprint some of the past letters I have received about this issue.

Here's one from Recording Roy on Rhode Island:

1) Portfolios for Teacher-Parent Meetings

Dear Blabby: I just want to share my experience with other teachers who are getting ready for parent-teacher meetings. Parents have been so impressed with this little trick of mine. Ever since I first did it, I can barely find room for all the apples that end up on my desk every day. If my writing this helps just one person, then it's worth it!

Set up a PowerPoint presentation called "Teacher to Parent" - and dedicate one page of the presentation to each student. Then do the following for each student:

First, take a photo of the student with a digital camera, or use a regular, old-fashioned camera and scan the print.

Second, make a sound recording of the student's voice. You can get them to read poems or stories they've written, or ask them to explain what they think about school or what they want to be when they grow up. Attach this sound file to the image, and play it for the parents when they come in to see you.

Parents will be impressed that you have given so much special individual attention to their child. It will also teach them something new about their kids - it may even encourage them to learn more about computers. This way, you'll be helping parents to learn as well.

    -Recording Roy

Here's another gem from Language Lilly in Louisiana:

2) Language Flash Cards

Bonjour Blabby! Hola! Hidy-ho! I just have to tell you how excited I am about all the fascinating languages dancing through my mind. I want to share my ideas on how readers can teach languages to their classes using PowerPoint flash cards. Ever since I tried this, I've been seeing great improvements in my students. I think anyone could really benefit from giving this a try - especially people who are teaching English as an additional language. This multimedia effect makes it all the more fun for students.

First, record your students pronouncing various words or phrases.

Second, find images of these words. For example, if you record the phrase "barking dog " you can attach the sound file to an image of a barking dog. The image can be a photo, a piece of clip art or even a drawing by you or one of your students. You can also use this method for entire sentences. It's usually easier to find the image and then record the sound file, though. It may be tough to find an image to go with "The queen licks the green xylophone." Then again, you never know what you'll find in this crazy world of ours.

    -Language Lily

And another from Musical Martin in Manitoba:

3) Music Class Showcase

Dear Blabby: Let's face it. There's nothing quite like the sound of a classroom full of Grade 2 students playing "Baa-baa black sheep" on their recorders. Nor is there anything like little Mary's kazoo solo or the first performance of the Grade 4 band. If you want to showcase these unique sounds, you can do it by creating a musical performance in PowerPoint. Don't worry - you can always adjust the volume!

You can take a picture of the group or solo performers using a digital camera or you can use a regular camera and scan the print image. Attach the sound files to these images and - voila! You have a fabulous little multimedia presentation of musical?talent? Perhaps you might want to call it New Age interpretive sound. Whatever you call it, your students will love seeing their own performances, and this can be a great item to show parents during parent-teacher meetings.

    -Musical Martin

And finally, this tidbit from Historical Harriet in Hartford:

4) Music Appreciation Project

Dear Blabby: I write in response to your reader who was having trouble getting his students interested in musical composers from the Baroque Period. In my experience, it's not always easy to transmit my love of Bach, Handel and Pachelbel to my young 50 Cent and Christina Aguilera fans. If you want your students to listen to music that is new to them, you have to go about it very carefully.

You can use PowerPoint to make a multimedia presentation on composers from different time periods. For each composer, collect some biographical information your students will find interesting. Composers who started young may be especially intriguing. Write a short presentation on each one - or get your students to do it - then record it. You can also collect samples of the composer's more famous works, find pictures of the composers, and a picture of the instruments their music is usually played on. Just attach the sound files to the images and you'll have a lively presentation, ready to go.

It's also a good exercise to get your students to sit in a relaxing position while listening to the samples. Ask them to lay back, close their eyes, and listen to the music. Then, when the piece is over, ask them to tell you what it reminds them of. You can even record their responses and add them to the presentations.

    -Historical Harriet