PowerPoint in the Classroom

with Sue Special UNIT 4
Adding Images and Charts

  • Sassy Shapes
  • Clever Clips
  • Dandy Designs
  • Cheeky Charts
  • Tiptop Tables
  • Cool for School

PowerPoint in the Classroom is produced by ACT360 Media Ltd.
in conjunction with Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright 1998-2009. All rights reserved.

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Sassy Shapes

Let's say we were doing a presentation for the man who claims aliens stole his pet goldfish and replaced it with a potato that resembles Cindy Crawford. Maybe he's presenting his case to the police. How would graphics add to that presentation?

We'll start with adding shapes. I have many shapes to choose from, but let's use stars. That's where those aliens probably came from, you know?

Sure, Power. Run with it...

Adding a shape
PowerPoint lets you add a variety of shapes to the slides of your presentation.

Try adding a star shape to your slide, using the AutoShape tool on the drawing toolbar.

    1. Click the AutoShapes button, point to Stars and Banners, and then click the 5-point star shape. The pointer will change into a cross.

Selecting a shape

    2. Click anywhere on the slide. A star of predefined size will be inserted.

Selecting a shape

    3. To make the shape larger (or smaller), drag a resizing handle. To resize the shape proportionally, hold down the SHIFT key as you drag.

I'm lovin' the star shape. But what if I need to move my shape somewhere else on the slide, to make room for a new text box?

Moving a shape
Let's try moving the star to another part of the slide.

    1. Place the pointer on the star. The pointer turns into a four-headed arrow.

Four-headed arrow

    2. Click and hold down the mouse button, then drag the star to the new location.

    3. When the star is positioned where you want it, release the mouse button.

I can read Sue's face. I know she wants to jazz up that star. Is there a way to add colors and textures to the shape?

Adding color and texture to a shape
First, try adding the color yellow to the star.

    1. Click the star shape to select it.

    2. Click the arrow beside the Fill Color button, and then click More Fill Colors. A Colors dialog box appears.

Fill Colors dialog

    3. Click the Standard tab, then under Colors, click a shade of yellow.

Lots of Colors to choose from

    4. Click OK to close the Colors dialog box.

Yellow star

Next, try adding some texture to the shape.

    1. Click the star to select it.

    2. Click the arrow beside the Fill Color button, then click Fill Effects. The Fill Effects dialog box appears.

Fill Effects

    3. Click the Texture tab.

    4. Click on a texture, and then click OK.

Lots of patterns to choose from

Funky star

Clever Clips

Wow, that star is really groovy! But we need more than that. I mean, this man had his pet goldfish stolen by aliens!! How about some art?

Okay, let's bring in a little clip art. I have lots of clip art in my library. Perhaps a picture of a goldfish will do best. You know, to give the police an idea of the poor man's loss.

Now you're talkin'. I love it!

Adding clip art
You can add clip art to any slide using the Insert Clip Art button on the Standard Toolbar.

Try adding a cartoon image to your slide.

    1. On the Standard Toolbar, click the Insert Clip Art button.

Clip Art button

    2. The Microsoft Clip gallery dialog box appears.

    3. Click the Clip Art tab.

    4. In the Categories list, click Cartoons. PowerPoint displays clip art from the Cartoons category.

Clip Art Categories list

    5. Click an image to select it.

    6. Click the Insert button. The cartoon image is inserted on your slide.

Here's a artoon in your slide

Note: Some AutoLayout slides in PowerPoint already have placeholders for clip art. To insert clip art into one of these slides, simply double-click the placeholder and the clip art gallery will open.

Is there a way to resize the clip art? I think we need to make the picture of the goldfish a little bigger.

Resizing clip art
Like text boxes and shapes, it's easy to change the size of a clip art image. Here's how:

    1. Click the cartoon image to select it.

    2. Place the pointer on a resizing handle. The pointer will change into a two-headed arrow.

Adding a chart button

    3. While holding down the mouse button, drag your mouse outwards. This will enlarge the image. If you drag your mouse inwards, you will reduce the size of the image.

    4. When the image is the size you want, release the mouse button.

Resizing tip

What if we decide we just want a picture of the goldfish's face, and not his body? You know, for identification purposes. Is there a way to crop an image so that only part of it shows?

Cropping clip art
When you resize an image, you make the whole image larger or smaller. When you crop an image, you actually remove parts of the image.

The following steps will show you how to crop an image.

    1. Click the image to select it. Resizing handles will appear around the image.

Resizing Clip Art

    2. On the picture toolbar, click the Crop button.

Crop button

    3. Place the pointer in the center of a resizing handle. The pointer will change into a cropping tool.

Cursor changes to the crop tool

    4. Holding down the mouse button, drag inwards. A part of the image will disappear.

    5. When enough of the image has been cropped, release the mouse button.

    6. To turn the cropping tool off, click the crop button on the picture toolbar.

Before and After

Did you accidentally crop off too much of the image? No problem. To restore an image that has been cropped, simply click the Crop button, then click a resizing handle and drag outwards. The cropped portion of the image will reappear.

Dandy Designs

Okay, we've got the stars where the aliens came from, and we've got a picture of the goldfish that they stole. But what about the potato resembling Cindy Crawford that they left in the fish's place? I bet you don't have that in your clip art library!

You're right, Jim. As much as I wish I had a picture of that potato, I don't. But I'm an agile program. If you can scan it, draw it, or take a picture of it with a camera, I can use it in a presentation. Anything goes. Here, let me show you.

Adding your own works of art
You are not restricted to using clip art or pictures from the Clip Art gallery. PowerPoint lets you insert images from other sources.

Let's say you've used a graphics program to create an amazing logo for your school, and you want to insert the logo into your PowerPoint presentation. Here's how to do it:

    1. Click the Insert menu, point to Picture, and then click From File. The Insert Picture dialog box will appear.

Inserting your own clip art

    2. In the Look in box, find the drive and folder where the artwork is located.

    3. In the File name box, enter the name of the file. Then click the Insert button.

Insert Picture dialog box

    4. The drawing is inserted on the slide.

Okay, but what if we're working with images and they get piled up on top of each other? Then the image you need is in the back and you can't get to it!

Oh, I hate it when that happens. That's why I have an ordering function that solves the problem. Afterall, if you have a picture of a pizza and another picture of some sliced pepperoni, you're going to need that picture of the pepperoni on top. Am I right?

Of course you're right. Who likes their pepperoni under their pizza? Yuck!

Layering images
Sometimes you may end up with images overlapping each other on a slide. Let's say you've created a design where three different colored squares are layered on top of each other: a blue square at the back, a yellow square in the middle, and an orange square in front.

You want to send the orange square to the back layer. How do you get it there?

Moving a layer

Try these steps:

    1. Click the orange square to select it.

    2. On the drawing toolbar, click the Draw button. The Draw menu appears.

    3. Point to Order, and then click Send to Back.

Send to back command

Orange square is now in the back

To bring the orange square back to the front.

    1. Click the orange square to select it.

    2. Click the Draw menu, point to Order, and then click Bring to Front.

move forward command

One other thing... You can add shadows to shapes. It's just another cool feature I have.

This is just amazing. My producer is telling me to cut to a commercial, but I'm ignoring him. Please, tell me more!

Adding shadows to images
Let's try adding a shadow to a shape using the Shadow button.

    1. Click the shape to select it.

    2. On the Drawing Toolbar, click the Shadow button, then click a style.

Selecting a shadow style

Cool shadows!

Cheeky Charts

Let's get serious for a moment. What if you need to illustrate something more boring, like a budget or something?

That's where my graphs and charts come in. They can get across a complex idea in an eye-catching way. For example, if you want a bar graph to show how much your soccer team has been spending on equipment over the past few years, I can do that...

Adding a chart
To add a chart to any slide, click the Insert Chart button on the Standard Toolbar.

Adding a chart button

When you insert a chart, a sample data sheet and corresponding bar chart will appear on your slide. PowerPoint has included some sample data in the first four columns. The bars in the chart are the graphical representation of the numbers in the data sheet. Notice how a higher number in the data sheet results in a taller corresponding bar.

To create your own chart, you can replace the data in the sample data sheet with your own. Try adding a number to the chart to see how it changes the corresponding bar on the chart.

    1. On the data sheet, click in the first row of column A.

Selecting a cell

    2. Type in the number 50, then press Enter. The corresponding bar on the chart increases in height.

Change in graph height

    3. Try adding other numbers into the data sheet to see how they affect the bars.

Note: Some slide AutoLayouts have placeholders for charts. To insert a chart into one of these layouts, just double-click the chart placeholder.

Using the tabs tip

After you've finished entering data, exit the work window by clicking anywhere outside the chart or the data sheet. The data sheet will disappear.

If you need to make any revisions to the chart, double-click the chart and the data sheet will appear again.

If the data sheet doesn't appear after you double-click the chart, click the View Data Sheet button on the Standard Toolbar.

View Data Sheet button

Suppose I'm doing a chart on how our show is rated compared to the other talk shows. If I need to add a new show, can I do that?

You sure can. You can also delete information. You know, for those times when your competitors' shows are cancelled due to a lack of viewers.

Oh, Power, you're such a sweet talker.

Adding and deleting information
The default chart has four sets of bars, and its data sheet has four columns of information filled in. What if your presentation requires more than four columns/bars? It's simple. Fill in additional columns on your data sheet.

    1. Go to the next empty column on the data sheet and click inside a cell. Type the numbers 50, 60, and 70 in the first three rows.

Entering data

    2. Notice how a new set of bars appears in the chart.

New bars in the chart

You can also remove columns or bars from your data sheet and chart. Here's how you do it:

    1. Click the column heading of the column you want to delete. For example, Column D.

Selecting data to delete

    2. Click the Edit menu, then click Delete. The data disappears from the column and the corresponding bars disappear from the chart.

Does it have to be a bar chart? What if I want to change it to a pie chart?

No problemo, muchacha.

Speaking of pie charts, I'm getting pretty hungry. I know an all-night diner we can hit after the show. They have the best apple pie...

Changing the type of chart
The default chart in PowerPoint is a bar chart. If you think your information would be better as a different type of chart, you can change the chart type.

The following steps show you how to convert the bar chart to a pie chart:

    1. Double-click the chart you want to change. A heavy border appears around the chart, and the data sheet appears.

    2. Click the Chart menu, then click Chart Type. A Chart Type dialog box appears.

Chart Menu

    3. In the Chart Type list, click Pie, and then click OK. The information in your data sheet will now be displayed in a pie chart.

    Pie Chart

Tiptop Tables

You can also create tables and spreadsheets. It's just another way to display information in PowerPoint.

A table. We'll need that to eat our apple pie on.

Jim, snap out of it. This is important. The show's not over yet...

Adding a table
You can add a table to a slide using the Insert Microsoft Word Table button on the Standard Toolbar. Let's try adding a table to your slide.

    1. On the Standard Toolbar, click the Insert Microsoft Word Table button.

Add a Word Table button

    2. In the drop-down box, click and drag the pointer across the number of rows and columns you want for your table. For example, three rows and three columns.

Selecting columns and rows

    3. Release the mouse button. The table work window will appear.

Work Table

The work window is where you enter and edit information, and where you format the table. If you click outside of the work table, the table will disappear. To make the work table reappear, place the pointer on the slide until it changes into a four-headed arrow, then double-click.

The work table is easier to work with if you add gridlines. This way, you can see all the columns and rows. To add gridlines to your table:

    1. Click anywhere in the table.

    2. Click the Table menu, then click Show Gridlines.

Selecting Gridlines

Next, you will type information into the work table.

    1. Click inside the first column of the first row.

    2. Type the word January.

    3. Press the TAB key on your keyboard. The insertion point is now in the second column of the first row.

    4. Type the word February.

    5. Press the TAB key to move to the next column, and type the word March.

Navigation Tips: To move to a previous column in a row, press SHIFT + TAB. You can also move around the table by simply clicking where you want to move to, or by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

After you've finished typing, click outside the work table to exit the work window.

Data in your table

And let me guess... I bet you can resize the cells as easy as resizing a text box.

Gee, do I have to give you a prize if you're right?

Adjusting the height and width of cells
A cell is the box that is formed in a table where a row and a column intersect. Each cell holds a unit of information.

Table Cell

In PowerPoint you can adjust the height and width of the cells. The following steps will show you how to adjust the height and width of cells in your table.

    1. Double-click the table to enter the table work window. A work table will appear.

    2. First, try making the cells in the first column narrower.

    (a) Place the pointer on the gridline between the first and second column. The pointer will change into a two-headed arrow.

Two Headed Arrow

    (b) Click and drag the gridline to the left. The cells become narrower.

    (c) Click and drag the gridline to the right to make the cells wider again.

Change the size of your cell
Change the size of your cell

    3. Now, make the cells in the first column taller.

    (a) Place the pointer on the gridline between the first and second rows. The pointer will change into a two-headed arrow.

    (b) Click and drag the gridline downwards. The cells become taller.

    (c) Click and drag the gridline upwards to make the cells shorter again.

And just like we did with our text boxes, is there a way to jazz up a table?

Sue, I think you're catching on to this. Pretty soon you'll know more about me than my mom.

Jazzing up your table
When you exit the work window, you see the table the way it will look in your presentation. Before you format the table, it looks pretty plain.

Plain old table

Try jazzing up your table using the Table AutoFormat command in the Table menu.

    1. Double-click the table you want to format. A work table will appear on your slide.

    2. Click the Table menu, then click Table AutoFormat. The Table AutoFormat dialog box appears.

Selecting AutoFormat

    3. In the Formats list, click on a style. A preview of the style will appear in the Preview box.

    4. Click OK.

Jazzed up table

cool for school

Is a picture really worth 1,000 words? That depends on the image. Some may be worth only 10 words, while others might be enough to inspire an entire set of encyclopedias. In any case, if you add images to your PowerPoint presentation, it's going to make your information more valuable and a lot more interesting for your audience. Images not only add important visual info to your presentation, they also give your audience a necessary break from looking at big blocks of text.

Where do you get images?

A good source for images is the royalty-free images found on the hundreds of CD-ROMs now available. To explain what is meant by the term "royalty-free," here's a little background info. The majority of images are "owned" by someone - usually an artist, a photographer or a company. That is, these people or companies own the copyright on the image. You need to get special permission to reproduce these images, and you may also be asked to pay a fee for using them. With "royalty-free" images, you don't need to get special permission or pay a fee. Instead, you can just use the image as you l ike - although it's always wise to read the fine print on any of these CDs.

Royalty-free CDs feature all varieties of subjects, from exotic vegetables to African jungle animals. Many of these affordable CDs - about $40 U.S. - include thousands of different clip-art drawings and/or photo images. It's also possible to buy individual images on the Internet for about $10 U.S. each. Depending on how many you want to use, it may be cheaper to buy the entire CD.

If you go to the Corel Corporation site, you can search for particular images by entering a subject name:


PhotoDisc also sells a number of CDs of fine art and retro images. These specialty CDs are generally more expensive, going for about $149 U.S. plus shipping.


The World Wide Web
It's very easy to grab an image from the Internet - but it's a good idea to get permission before you reproduce it. You'll want to make sure your students understand the importance of respecting original work. Some web authors will state clearly their images are not to be used in any manner whatsoever. Others may allow their images to be used for educational purposes if proper credit is given. If your students are going to use this type of content in their presentations, include a unit discussing plagiarism and creating bibliographies.

It's also up to you to set a good example. E-mail the Webmasters to ask for permission to use specific content - and tell them why your students want to use it. Chances are, they will be flattered when they find out how much you like their work. Just include your name and your school - and be prepared to wait a few days for a reply.

Try saving this picture star by following these instructions:

    1. Position your cursor over the picture.

    2. Click your right mouse button. A pop-up menu will appear.

    3. Select Save Picture As in the pop-up menu. The Save Picture window will appear.

    4. Type a name for the image into the Save Picture window and find a directory to store it in.

    5. Click the Save button.

Adding clip-art to the PowerPoint ClipGallery
PowerPoint's ClipGallery comes with a big selection of images for you to choose from. You can also add more images - free of charge - by downloading them from the Microsoft site. All you have to do is complete an on-line registration form and follow the instructions provided.

To add clip-art images to the PowerPoint ClipGallery:

    1. Make sure you are connected to the Internet.

    2. Open the ClipGallery.

    3. Select the "Clips from the Web" or "Connect to the Web for more clip-art" button. This will automatically open your Web browser and take you to the Microsoft ClipGallery Live site.

    4. Search and preview the image, then save it to a folder on your computer. (In other words: download it!) Be sure to remember which folder you have saved it to.

    5. To import these images to the ClipGallery in PowerPoint, go to the folder that contains the downloaded images.

    6. Double click the .CIL file. This will automatically open in the ClipGallery under the category "downloaded images."

Note: you can also download pictures, sounds and animations from the ClipGallery Live site