As a teacher, you already know the importance of good spelling. Afterall, what would the kids think if they found a spelling mistake (gulp!) in one of your e-mails. You can plead that it's a typo, but would they really believe you? Thanks to out-of-this world, space-age technology, you don't have to plead your case in front of your students. Whew!

Activating the Spell-Checker
You can set up Outlook Express so it will automatically check the spelling in all your messages.

Note: The Spelling command may not be available if you do not have Microsoft Office 95 or 97 programs (e.g. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft PowerPoint) installed on your computer.

    1. In the Outlook Window, click the Tools menu, then click Options. The Options dialog box will open.

Select Options from the Tools menu

    2. Select the Spelling tab.

Click the tab marked Spelling

    3. Under the heading General options, click the check box next to "Always check spelling before sending".

Place a check-mark in the box

    4. Click OK.

Click OK when you're done

You're set! Outlook Express will automatically check the spelling in your messages everytime you select the Send button. If this astromatic program finds an error, a Spelling dialog box will open and suggest different spelling options.

This is the Spell-Checker in action

Click the Change button to change the spelling. Click Ignore to keep the original.